Complete Beginner's Guide To Conjugating Verbs In Japanese

Written byIchika Yamamoto

Definition: In Japanese the conjugation of verbs is more complicated than English, because in Japanese the conjugation in future and present is same but exit the past, negative, form i, form te, Potential, Causative, Passive causative, Imperative, Passive, Volitional, form conditionally eba, form conditionally ra.

Conjugation in Present and Future

In Japanese the present and future are same and the difference the put the context of time in where you have the talk, in these tenses is not necessary the conjugation.


  • Present: I eat fish = 私 は 魚 を 食 べ る = Watashi wa sakana o taberu

  • Future: I eat fish = 私 は 魚 を 食 べ る = Watashi wa sakana o taberu

Conjugation in Past

For Irregular Verbs

For make this conjugation, you should do the replacement of the letters you see to below, this letters you find in finish the verbs or adjectives.

す る = suruし た = shita
来 る = kuru来 た = kita
行 く = iku行 っ た = itta
い ら っ し ゃ る = irassharuい ら っ し ゃ っ た = irasshatta
ま す = masuま し た = mashita

For Regular VerbsFor make this conjugation, you should do the replacement of the letters you see to below, this letters you find in finish the verbs or adjectives.

う = uっ た = tta
く = kuい た = ita
ぐ = guい だ ida
す = suし た = shita
つ = tsuっ た = tta
ぬ = nuん だ = nda
ぶ = buん だ = nda
む = muん だ = nda
る = ruっ た = tta
い る = iruい た = ita
え る = eruえ た = eta


  • 使 う = tsukau (Present)

  • 使 っ た = tsukatta (Past)

  • 泳 ぐ = oyogu* (Present)

  • 泳 い だ = oyoida* (Past)

  • 待 つ = matsu* (Present)

  • 待 っ た = matta* (Past)

  • 呼 ぶ = yobu* (Present)

  • 呼 ん だ = yonda* (Past)

  • 着 替 え る = kigaeru* (Present)

  • 着 替 え た = kigaeta* (Past)

For AdjectivesFor make this conjugation, you should do the replacement of the letters you see to below, this letters you find in finish the verbs or adjectives.

い = iか っ た = katta
な = naだ っ た = datta


  • 安 い yasui*

  • 安 か っ た yasukatta*

  • 簡 単 kantan*

  • 簡 単 だ っ た kantan datta*

Conjugation in Negative

The basic pattern is to convert u in nai or anai.

For Irregular Verbs

す る = suruし な い = shinai
来 る = kuru来 な い = konai
あ る = aruな い = nai
だ = daじ ゃ な い = ja nai
ま す = masuま せ ん = masen


  • 勉 強 す る = benkyō suru*

  • 勉 強 し な い = benkyō shinai*

  • 行 き ま す = ikimasu*

  • 行 き ま せ ん = ikimasen*

For Regular Verbs

う = uわない = wanai
く = kuかない = kanai
ぐ = guがない = ganai
す = suさない = sanai
つ = tsuたない = tanai
ぬ = nuなない = nanai
ぶ = buばない = banai
む = muまない = manai
る = ruらない = ranai
い る = iruい な い = inai
え る = eruえ な い = enai


  • 待 つ = matsu*

  • 待 た な い = matanai*

  • 死 ぬ = shinu*

  • 死 な な い = shinanai*

  • 走 る = hashiru*

  • 走 ら な い = hashiranai*

For Adjectives

い = iく な い = kunai
な = naじ ゃ な い = ja nai


  • 痛 い itai*

  • 痛 く な い itakunai*

  • 簡 単 kantan*

  • 簡 単 じ ゃ な い kantan ja nai*

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Author: Ichika Yamamoto
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